Pyrotechnics in the Parking Structure

Just a shorty today... Don't quite know what to make of this one, but here is what I can remember:

I'm in some kind of concrete multi-level parking structure. There's a skinny guy with me, kind of like the character called "mouse" in the first Matrix movie. There's some kind of a fuse burning on the ground putting out a bright light and sparks.

We start to move away from it quickly, climbing up over a low barrier and moving around a corner to head down the car ramp. He says--about the sparks--"yeah, but wait until the heat starts to come out." I don't know what to make of that other than I felt it was some kind of a bomb, but we are now heading quickly down the ramp sections which zigzag downwards.

That's it, kind of foggy there at the end. Couldn't spend as much time as I usually do fixing the dream in my mind so that I could remember it later. Had to get up at 6 to go to a meeting, so I needed to get my rest.


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