Jet Plane: Life Path Waiting For Takeoff

Okay, well, yesterday was pretty stressful, worrying about my relationship with the special woman I'm seeing. We each have things in our indivdual lives that we need to be attending to, so we're intentionally spending the beginning of each week apart.

But I'm the sort that likes to have daily contact with my partner, so it's been a bit difficult for me to get used to. Granted, it's probably the best thing for me now so that I have to deal with the realities of what I need to do and get it done! (I'm going through a divorce. 'Nuff said.) So, here's the dream that I had last night:

I'm standing above and behind the cockpit of a delta-winged fighter jet. Bracing myself with my hands on either side of the cockpit, I lower myself into the seat. I have to extend my legs forward and over the shiny metal supports for my legs.

I'm looking around at the control panels and armrests. I look forward at the runway ahead, but think to myself that I shouldn't touch anything since I don't know how to fly this thing and don't want it to takeoff.
Next, I am standing alongside the craft and a friend from high school named Greg comes up to me. He's wearing a pilot's jumpsuit, as am I. I want him to take me up in the plane for spin, since I can't fly it myself. I think he is agreeable. I look past the plane, at the far edge of the runway and the scene changes.
I can see a long assembly line of some sort spread out before me from left to right. I see a woman—hey, it's Angelina Jolie!—dressed in a pilot's jumpsuit walking along the assembly line. She is inspecting it, talking with the various men who are maintaining the machines. She makes her way down the line of machines pirouetting playfully from machine to machine smiling. Another scene change...
Now I am watching a bus pass by in front of me from right to left. It has no sides and I can see the passengers within. They are women, and they have no tops on so I can see their breasts clearly. I watch them go by and admire the shapes of their nipples. That's when I woke up.
Strangely meandering dream, eh? The plane could mean embarking on a new life path but not being sure or not being ready to get going yet. I was never close to that high school friend, so I don't know what significance he has. I think Angelina is glamorously beautiful, but I don't fantasize about her. I did see an article about her on the web yesterday.
I guess there might be something to the bus symbol and the women's breasts. Something to do with my mother, perhaps? Must be me feeling a need to be nurtured by my woman at this time.


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