Site Launch: Welcome to Dreamtrekker!

Let's get the ball rolling, shall we? Welcome to Dreamtrekker, a weblog community devoted to personal dreams and exploring their significance in our lives. The symbolism of dreams can be used to learn more about ourselves, our needs, our fears, and many other things. Understanding what these symbols represent can help us to make a connection to our unconscious mind and to live a more aware and creative life.

Dream analysis has been an important tool in psychotherapy for many years. As the founder of Dreamtrekker, I am not claiming to be a professionally trained psychologist or therapist. If fact, I am just like you, negotiating the path of life and seeking a way to live a life of truth.

The idea for Dreamtrekker arose out of a need to organize my dreams online so that I wouldn't have to lug around all those dream journals each time I move my place of residence. I wanted to reduce my possessions and simplify my life. I sit at the computer anyway as part of earning a living, so why not create an online dream journal? So here it is at long last, Dreamtrekker, a weblog for recording and organizing dreams.

I hope to eventually enlist the services of qualified psychologists who might provide dream analysis services for fellow dreamers here at the site. For the time being, that is but a... er, dream—pun intended.

For the next month or so, I'll be adding my own dreams. Then, I'll start promoting the site to the public and open it up for public blogging. In the meantime, enjoy reading about my dreams, or not. Somehow, you found your way here to the site, so it must have been your fate to be privy to my private—or not so private—thoughts.

Warm regards,


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